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Medicare for All

Address America's Healthcare Crisis
What does it mean?

The United States far spends more than all other Western democracies on health care-twice as much as the next most expensive country-- and yet for years has ranked

37th or below in health outcomes. American citizens also pay more for drugs than citizens of other countries-even when those drugs are manufactured by American companies, and even though much of the research that led to the manufacture of those drugs was funded with American tax dollars. Republicans in Congress continue to oppose changes in the laws that allow the government to negotiate drug prices, and they oppose efforts to expand access to Medicare and Medicaid, calling those programs "socialism."


Why Does It Matter?

A number of studies have found that Medicare for All would save a great deal of money, while providing everyone in America with high-quality health care coverage. Twenty-two studies that estimated the projected cost of single-payer health insurance in the United States all concluded that it's the only way to rein in America's excessive health care spending. Even the Mercatus Center, a right-wing think tank, found about $2 trillion in net savings over 10 years from a Medicare for All system. Medicare for All would eliminate three-quarters of the estimated $812 billion the U.S. now spends on healthcare administration. Administrative costs in the United States are so high because insurance companies

individually negotiate benefit rules and rates, require different billing procedures, use different forms, and have different rules for submitting claims. Savings from Medicare for All

would be about $600 billion per year, not including savings on prescription drugs, which is estimated to be another $200 or $300 billion a year if Americans paid the same prices as other wealthy countries pay for their drugs.


Marc will work to lower drug costs and bring adequate medical care to all parts of Indiana. He will also push for Medicare for All citizens.




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